Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Improve Your eyesight in natural way

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  • Weak eyesight is most often associated with either nearsightedness (called myopia) or farsightedness (called hyperopia). Factors like genetics, poor nutrition, aging and excessive strain on the eyes usually contribute to these conditions.
    The most common symptoms of weak eyesight are blurry vision, frequent headaches and watery eyes.There are many reasons behind eyesight weakness; the most common is uneven lifestyle, watching TV without blinking, working on computer for long hours, fewer nutrition diets, hereditary disorder etc.

    Weak eyesight is usually corrected with prescription glasses, lenses or even surgery. You can also try some natural home remedies to help improve your eyesight.

    1. Almond and Fennel Seeds

    Almonds and fennel seeds are the key ingredients to improve your eyesight significantly. This is the tremendous remedial combination with Mishri (crystallized sugar). You must try this remedial mixture to improve your eyesight.

    • Almond (Badam)
    • Large Fennel or Fennel Seeds (Sounf).
    • Sugar or (Kuja Mishri) is also known as "Crystallized Sugar lumps".
    How To Prepare: - Take equal amount of almond, large fennel (fennel seeds) and sugar (Kuja mishri) and grind them to make a fine powder. For example if you take 500 gram of almond then also take 500 grams of both fennel seeds and sugar or mishri. Thereafter Keep the mixture in a glass vessel or in plastic container on a safe place. Now the remedy is ready to use.

    Note: – You also can make more remedy at same time and keep it in a glass vessel or plastic container on a safe place.

    Treatment Method (Dosage): Take 10 gram of this remedial mixture with 250 ml of milk at every night before you go to sleep. Use this remedy continuously at least for 40 days, resulting your eyes will become brighter and doesn't need glasses. This is true, if you don't believe then should try to feel the effects. It has also effective to cure from weakness of mind, twisted mind, and amnesia by this remedy.

    Precautions: Give half quantity of medication to minors. To getting full benefit of the remedy, you shouldn’t drink water for two hours after taking the remedy.

    2. Triphala Remedy

    Triphala is the magic of ayurveda; it is the best combination of three herbal fruits. Triphala has very effective to treat from Tridosha (vata, pitta and kapha) and even also it has been very effective to cure from eyesight weakness, eye disorders and hair problems. Regarding to improve eyesight, you have to wash your eyes with triphala water as given formula.

    Triphala: A Megical Remedy For All Disease

    Put or soak a teaspoon triphala powder into a glass of water and leave it to overnight. Next morning, fitter this water and wash your eyes with this water. You can also keep fresh water in your mouth when washing your eyes with triphala water to getting tremendous improvements within a month.
    Use this method on a regular basis and once in a day to get noticeable improvements in your eyesight.

    3. Gooseberry/Amla

    Amla or gooseberry is the most effective herb to treat from eye disorders; it is rich source of vitamin C. You can eat Amla or gooseberry in any form such as powder, capsule or tablet, jam or drink the juice.

    How To Prepare Amla Juice At Home

    You can also drink fresh amla juice with honey on daily morning. Or you can take a teaspoon of amla powder with water at night before sleeping. Amla is the best tonic to stay healthy and improve your eyesight fast.

    4. Carrot

    Carrot is one of the most effective home remedy for weak eyesight. It is rich of nutrients and vitamins; especially phosphorous, vitamin A, calcium and iron. You can eat raw carrots as salad; or you can drink carrot juice daily on a regular basis to get effective results.

    5. Healthy Diet

    Healthy and nutrients diet is plays the most important role to have better eyesight. So it is important to get a healthy and balancing diet. You must include vitamin A supplements into your daily diet routine.

    Some useful herbs and fruits are carrot juice, fish oil, eggs, milk, nuts, dry fruits, nut beans, cabbage, salad, green vegetables, lemon and fruits.

    6. Barefoot Walking

    Walking is most important part for human being; it should be included as a daily routine. It is more effective for eyes when walking in the morning along with barefoot on green grass. If you decided to gain your eye power once again then stay tuned to walking barefoot.

    The method posted is as per individual belief and depends from person to person. However it's recommended to try by consulting your doctor. The blog has no responsibility for any circumstances happening to your body. Please do as per your own risk

     If you too have any remedies which you feel to share, Please do email us cibodeliziosoindia@gmail.com

    Saturday, 8 July 2017


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  • A migraine is a type of headache that causes an intense throbbing sensation in one area of the head.
    It may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound. In general, migraine headaches are very painful.
    The American Headache Society (AHS), the vast majority of migraine sufferers — about 75 percent — are women and girls.
    The exact cause of migraines remains unknown, but research suggests that genetic and environmental factors may play a role. Researchers have also identified several key risk factors for developing migraines, including:
    Family history: The American Committee on Headache Education reports that between 70 and 90 percent of people with migraines have a family history of the condition.
    Age: Migraine sufferers typically experience their first symptoms during adolescence, and most people who have migraines have had their first attack before they reach the age of 40.
    Still, migraines can start at any time in life, depending on other factors.
    Sex: During childhood, migraines typically affect boys more than girls, but this trend reverses during adolescence.
    In adulthood, women are much more likely than men to experience migraines.
    Menstruation and menopause: Women who experience migraines often do so immediately before, or shortly after, their menstrual period.
    The frequency, severity, and duration of migraines may change during pregnancy or menopause.
    Some women report that they experienced their first migraine attack during pregnancy or that their attacks worsened during pregnancy.

    Migraine Triggers

    In most people, there are triggers that can cause migraine attacks, such as:
    • Certain foods and food additives
    • Stress
    • Light or noise
    • Medications
    • Physical exertion
    • Disrupted sleep
    Studies have linked cheese as well as salty and processed foods with migraines. Missing or skipping meals can also trigger attacks.
    Research has also suggested that aspartame (an artificial sweetener) and monosodium glutamate (MSG, a preservative found in many foods) can trigger migraines.
    Alcohol and highly caffeinated beverages have also been identified as potential migraine triggers.
    Not surprisingly, stress at work or home can cause migraines, as can extremely bright lights (such as sun glare), loud noises, and strong smells (from perfume, cleaning products, or secondhand smoke).
    Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) and vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin, have been linked to migraines. Intense physical exertion may also trigger an attack.

    How Long Do Migraines Last?

    A migraine attack will typically last from 4 to 72 hours.
    Migraines can, however, last for several days.
    The frequency of attacks varies from person to person. Some people experience migraines several times a month, others much less frequently.

    There's no cure for migraine headaches, regardless of the type of migraine you have.But a range of treatments is available that can help you manage your migraine symptoms and in some cases make them less frequent and severe.

    Home Remedies :  

    1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    1. Add one tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
    2. Mix in one tablespoon of honey.
    3. Drink this daily to prevent as well as treat migraines.
    If you are not used to taking apple cider vinegar, start by taking one teaspoon and gradually increase the amount. During migraine attacks or when you feel them coming on, you can take two or three tablespoons.

    2. Ice Pack

    Using an ice pack is perhaps the most popular home remedy to get rid of tension as well as migraine headaches. It has a numbing effect that alleviates pain.
    • Wrap a few ice cubes in a clean towel and place it on your temples, forehead and/or the back of your neck for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat as needed.
    • You can also try alternating hot and cold compresses for about 15 minutes, as needed. For better results, add lavender and/or peppermint essential oils to the water for the compress.

    3. Ginger

    • Drink ginger tea a few times throughout the day until you get relief. Make sure to drink it at the onset of your headache.
    • Simply chewing on a piece of raw ginger root will also help treat the problem and relieve symptoms like nausea and digestive distress.

    4. Nutmeg Powder 

     Make a paste with crushed nutmeg powder and water and massage on your forehead.  This can help in relieving a headache as it promotes sleep

    5. Yoga for Migraine

    Yoga can help in calming the mind and relaxing the blood vessels. According to Dr. Sharma, the Brahmri Pranayyam or the Honey Bee Pose is one of the best exercises to treat a headache. 

    6. Peppermint  
     A 2008 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience shows that the fragrance of the peppermint herb helps in relieving a headache. Moreover, it's anti-inflammatory properties soothe the nerves. You can drink freshly brewed peppermint tea or even massage your temples with peppermint oil and leave it on for at least half an hour. Do this few times a day till you feel better.

    • Migraine; Mayo Clinic.
    The method posted is as per individual belief and depends from person to person. However it's recommended to try by consulting your doctor. 
    The blog has no responsibility for any circumstances happening to your body. Please do as per your own risk
    If you too have any remedies which you feel to share, Please do email us cibodeliziosoindia@gmail.com

    Friday, 7 July 2017

    Cure Cough with whisky,lemon and honey

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  • A cough is a reflex action to clear your airways of mucus and irritants such as dust or smoke. It's rarely a sign of anything serious.

    A "dry cough" means it's tickly and doesn't produce any phlegm (thick mucus). A "chesty cough" means phlegm is produced to help clear your airways.
    Most coughs clear up within three weeks and don't require any treatment. For more persistent coughs, it's a good idea to see your GP so they can investigate the cause.

    Treatment isn't always necessary for mild, short-term coughs because it's likely to be a viral infection that will get better on its own within a few weeks. You can look after yourself at home by resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking painkillers.

    A homemade remedy containing whisky, honey and lemon is likely to be just as useful and safer to take. Honey shouldn't be given to babies under the age of one because of the risk of infant botulism.

    Whisky is considered a very popular cough and cold remedy. The mix is believed to relieve congestion, soothe the throat and relax the body. Whisky helps you sleep while the honey and lemon soothe your throat.

    1 cup of hot water
    1 herbal/green tea bag
    30 ml of whisky
    1 tbs of honey
    1 tbs of lemon juice

    How to prepare
    • In a cup add hot water
    • Add honey
    • Add lemon juice
    • Mix well and drink 
    * Not suitable for babies
    ** Have it once a day before bed time

    The method posted is as per individual belief and depends from person to person. However it's recommended to try by consulting your doctor. 
    The blog has no responsibility for any circumstances happening to your body. Please do as per your own risk